Sunday, September 18, 2011

No catchy title today

Where did the week go?  My squatter, Oliver was sick most of the week. The hardest part of the week?  Trying to give a cat a pill.  Really, can't it be in liquid form?  I mean really.  Medication started on Wednesday and hopefully it will be done tomorrow.  Oh and here is the bonus part, one pill was twice a day so that means that I had to wrestle Oliver down and then come up as the champion but completely covered in white cat hair.  GROSS!!  My lint roller got a workout.

The rest of the week is a blur. I had 3 shows this week and had a blast at each of them.  This is going to be a short blog because I am watching the Emmy's and you know how much I love me some TV.  The soundtrack theme today is from the shows I went to this week.  Enjoy!

Thanks for reading my blog!

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