Thursday, September 22, 2011

Journaling - Every Day I Write the Book

It's the most wonderful time of the year.  The brand new TV Fall season is in full swing.  And what does that mean for me?  For awhile it means less bitching about me being dateless because I will be super busy with all my stories.  This chica loves her some TV.  I've always been this way and that will never change.  Can I just say how happy I am that I ended up getting FIOS?  Two reasons - DVR and On Demand.  That is some good stuff man!  Now back to me bitching about not having a boyfriend. :) 

The other day I went through a storage box that had all my calendars and journals.  I've kept a journal since I was 13 (of course back then I called it my diary) and a daytimer since I was 15 years old. Wow, I love to write about myself.  Or  maybe I have so many problems I need some place to put them. :)  Anyhoozlebees, I read a few of them and just had to laugh at some of my entries. Wow, I was a bit of drama queen in my teen years.  I didn't think I was but unfortunately I have it all in black in white to prove it.  But at the same time it was nice to see that it seems like I've grown up just a little and learned a lot about myself.  I have suggested to several people to start using a journal. Whether you use it just a place to jot down what you accomplished, a place to vent, daydream or to write stories - it's a good idea to keep one.  But that's just my opinion.

So not a lot going on in this girl's world besides work and a little bit of my love - television. :)  The soundtrack for today is writing.  Enjoy!

What a cute little guy!

Oh Mark Darcy!!!

I know this isn't about writing but it's from a movie about writing.

Thanks for reading my blog!

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