Sunday, April 15, 2012

Money Grabber

Tax day is 4/17 and I just finished mine yesterday. I normally do not wait until the last minute but there were some circumstances from last year that made me have to actually go to a real person to have my taxes done as opposed to doing them online (for free) as I have done for years.  It dawned on me that this was the first time that I had to hire a professional and for the first time since I was 15 that I was not going to use a 1040EZ.  Boy did that suck!  Sometimes I hate being a grown up. After all was said and done, I ended paying $175 to have my taxes done but one the bright side, I am getting a pretty decent refund. So woo hoo for that!  It was a happy ending but getting there was pretty scary.

I'm all ready making my list of what I am going to buy. First thing's first, I am buying a new vacuum cleaner.  My old one sucked up a cat toy so it's pretty much useless.  I was all ready looking for a new one anyway since my slacker sheds like there's no tomorrow.  There is one that want but it's like $500 and I just can't bring myself to pay that much money for a vacuum cleaner. I like nice things but I just can't do that.

I shouldn't complain that I had to pay for the service, it just threw me for loop. Hopefully next year I can go back to being just a normal Joe.  Today's soundtrack is based on my taxes and me dolling out a bunch of dough. Enjoy!

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