Saturday, December 31, 2011

What are you doing New Year's Eve?

Where have I been?  Well, I've been sick for about 2 weeks.  This allergy problem is driving me nuts.  I started feeling funky on the 20th and just got worse.  The beautiful part was that I hadn't finished my Christmas shopping.  I finally made myself hit stores that Friday and Saturday before Christmas.  It was fun trying to buy gifts while sneezing like crazy and plugging my nose with tissues.  It was lovely.  And the fun part was feeling like poop on Christmas Eve and sleeping most of the day on the couch.  I was a load of fun.  Since then I've felt better but not even close to 100%.  I'm light headed and just really draggy.  Is that a medical term?  I can't seem to shake this.  I hate being a big, fat baby.

Here I am on New Year's Eve doing pretty much the same thing I did on Christmas Eve. But at least this time, I am not unconcsious, just feeling yucky.  My plan was to go to show tonight to see a few bands but feeling like this, I would be a big party pooper.  There is an old saying (at least I think there is), that the way you kick off NYE, is how the rest of your year would go.  I used to believe it but the older I've gotten, not so much.  So I am not to worried that I am working on my blog, watching Law & Order reruns and feeling like poop.  But I know that 2012 will be awesome. I've ended 2011 with a fantastic job, my health and my family and friends, so my year was fantastical!

Today's soundtrack theme is of course New Year's. Please enjoy! Thank you for reading my blog (even though I was a bit of a slacker at times). And I will see you in 2012.

Thanks for reading my blog!
Happy New Year!

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