Monday, February 28, 2011

It's Tricky hitting Middle Aged

During a recent conversation with my good friend T regarding the status of our health (unexplained aches, pains coming out of no where, not bouncing back as quickly as we had before in our younger years, etc.) , I finally blurted out "We are middle-aged!"  AHHHH!!!  I can't believe I said it out loud.  I told her "I've said it, my body knows it but it just hasn't sunk in."  T replied "Don't let sink in."  I know that I am M.A. but it doesn't feel right.  When I think of M.A., I remember a scene from Happy Days when Mr. C. is celebrating a birthday in his 40's.  Someone said something about him being middle-aged.  For some reason that has always stuck in my head.  I was about 7 or 8 years old when I saw the episode and thought "wow, he is really old!"  And now here I sit at the beginning of my 4th decade and still don't feel like a grown up.  I know I don't act like one.  If I was married I would act differently?  It's odd to think that when my momma was my age, she all ready had 5 kiddos and the responsibilities of it.  She looked like a grown up and acted like one.   And I, well I have a cat and still watch cartoons and music videos (thank you VH1 Classic). It's not shocking to me anymore that I am 40 but I guess because I really have no responsibilities outside of my cat, it still hasn't sunk it. Maybe it doesn't have to.  Maybe it's okay that I am this way.  I am going to yes it is.

I am now done with the "what does it all mean" phase of the program.  Time to move on to the most important story of the day - The Oscars!!  I ended up going to an Oscar watching party and had a great time.  It was fun to be a room full of people that get as excited as me and my sister L get when watching the show.   Had lots of great food and drink and now today I am paying for it.  This comes back to me being M.A.  I am not as spry as I once was and sometimes I forget that. :)

Here is my quick rundown of the show.
  • Anne Hatheway - That girl has a great stylist.  She was flawless in each costume change.  I thought she was so adorable.
  • James Franco - I knew he would be super laid back and I am laughing at people online who were surprised by it. Really, do you know the man's work?  Come on, he is not the most hi-octane person so why the face?
  • Alec Baldwin/Morgan Freeman - Loved it!! 
  • Mark Ruffalo - the cutest guy ever. Sad that he didn't win but check out this article about tweeting his Oscar speech.  How can you not like this sweetie?
  • Christian Bale - uggh, beard needs to go.  That ruined his look and speech for me. I kept noticing that it was a different color.
  • Cate Blanchett - Love you in everything but that tacky chenille bedspread.
  • Helen Mirren - Lovely!  She is a hot lady.  Just not happy that is in the Arthur remake with Russell Brand (Yuck - dude take a bath, comb that hair and you're not funny).
  • David Seidler (The King's Speech) - You are my new hero.  I too am a late bloomer.  
  • Robert Downey Jr.  - HOT!!!!  Quick movie suggestion, check out his film Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang 
  • Sandra Bullock (or as Ryan Seacrest calls her, Sandy Bullock) - She looked amazing. That woman gets hotter and hotter. LOVE HER!!!  The next time I am in Austin, I am totally looking you up.
  • Best Picture - Kinda weird that it was the images of all the films but dubbed over by "The King's Speech".  I will be honest, I kinda thought that the Social Network was going to win Best Picture.  
  • Natalie Portman - Abfab!  
  • Colin Firth - Validation!!!  He looked great and was so charming during his speech.  I love that he adores his wife so much.

All in all, I think it was a great show.  Great company and a great night. 

I couldn't decided on the theme for today's soundtrack.  Finally decided on feeling young.  These are just some of the songs bring back some great teen memories for me. Night-tracks, sleepovers, rollerskating and 16 magazine.  I would love to know your songs. Feel free to post.


Thanks for reading my blog!

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