Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I will be a fan of stupid people When the Stars Go Blue

Where has this month gone?  It's the middle of March and it's going too fast. Don't like that.  It will be Christmas before you know it.  I guess time flies by so much faster when you get older. 

My SXSW trip was fast and furious. I had a good time. I learned a few things on the trip.
  • Twizzlers is the best food on a road trip.  I ate a whole bag.
  • Old cheesy, white men likes them some Jules.  I was hit on by two guys. Here is just one of the lines that was used on me.  I was walking behind this guy and as I passed him, he says "I thought that was you.  I could feel your heat behind me."  GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I just can't sleep peacefully in a hotel room. I don't know why but I can't.
  • Austin traffic sux!
Book update: I have been trying to read "Julie and Julia" but I am finding it really difficult to wrap my head around it.  It's not as funny as the quotes on the back cover led me to believe.  I don't know if it's because I saw the movie first but I am just not getting her humor.  I want to but it's driving me nuts that I can't.  I've given it about 4 chapters worth but I think I am going to give it up.  I hate when I get a book and get really excited about it then it just lets me down.  Poop!!!

Today I posted this on my facebook:  I think I am the only person that doesn't care about American Idol, Martin Sheen's kid (I will not mention his name), Lady Gaga or a housewife of any kind. I loves me some pop culture but I don't give a care when it comes to them. And any person with the name that has dash in it.  I was surprised that so many people agreed with me.  I kept thinking I was just getting old but I think it's because I just can't take stupidity.  I mean it. I am tired of seeing stupid people become famous. That excludes Lady Gaga.  I just don't get her. Plus I liked her when I saw her the first time as Madonna.  Yes, I am being judgemental.  

I am in a cover tune mode today.  Here are a few of the cover songs that I really love.

Thanks for reading my blog!

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