Sunday, March 6, 2011

It's been a great Sunday Morning

Happy Sunday!
It's a beautiful day and I've had a great weekend so far. Friday, I did my new favorite thing which is to watch Blue Bloods (I love you Donny Wahlberg!) and read.  It was a very nice calming evening.  As for Saturday, I did something a little different.  I went to a 2nd interview. What's that you say?  Yes, I had a 2nd interview yesterday and it went pretty well. I was there for about an hour. It looks like they want to make a decision in about a 1 or 2 weeks. Sweet!!!!  After the interview I headed to my friend's H&B for a movie night at their house.  We started out with a classic - Footloose.  How hot was Kevin Bacon in that?  Our second movie was Inglorious Basterds.  I heard so many good things about it.  My sister, L was all about the movie.  Loved it!  It was so odd and funny.  I love how Tarantino uses his music in his movies.  Who would have thought of using David Bowie's Cat People (putting Out The Fire) in that movie?  Crazy greatness!

As for today, I started out getting my church on and then a quick work out afterwards.  It's been a great day.  I am hoping to finish my Julia Child book today. Woo!Hoo!

What a beautiful Sunday!  So I am dedicating today's theme to Sunday.  U2 and STP both have songs about Sunday but they are a little bit of a downer.  So here is what I have come up with today.  Hope you had a great weekend. Enjoy!

Thanks for reading my blog.

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